Meet the students – Manuel and Crystal

What is your testimony?

Crystal grew up in a Christian home in America and was listening to her Dad talk about hell during family devos. When her mom came to tuck her in that night, she asked her a bunch of questions. Her mom patiently answered Crystal’s questions from God’s Word. That is when Crystal realized that through Jesus´ death and resurrection she could be saved from her sins.

Manuel was born in Mexico, to a dysfunctional family. His parents separated when he was one years old, and he stayed with his father. His life was full of changes and he became an unstable, insecure, violent and vengeful person. His fears controlled his character, but he also wanted to find God. He tried to find his value in his father’s acceptance but one day without thinking carefully about the consequences, he wrecked his father’s new car. From that moment the little relationship they had disappeared. He felt abandoned and completely alone. In the sadness of his loneliness, he embraced God’s acceptance to fill the emptiness in his heart. As he read Romans 5, he found that salvation was simply through faith in Jesus Christ. Even if his parents abandoned him, God would not. Manuel decided to live for God and only serve him. Everything he would do would be for God’s name to be glorified.

How did you meet and end up at Ethnos Canada?

While Manuel was studying theology, Crystal went on a missions’ trip to Mexico, where they met. It was through this trip that Crystal was challenged to consider full time ministry in missions! Three years later they got married and started looking at the options for her to finish the last two years of training. But it wouldn’t work to study in the States or Mexico. Finally, only as God could have organized it, they heard they could study in Canada. Two months later they came by faith, believing that God would provide for everything. And He has! What an amazing God we have that can do all things, even though it often does not happen how we think it would.