Meet the students – Riryn

This stage of life is so exciting and scary at the same time. 

God is working on something I’ve been praying for and making it very real.

What is your testimony?

I was born and raised in a country with diverse culture, Indonesia. Two villages next to each other can have different languages, different cultures, and different belief systems. I am so grateful to be born into a family of believers who truly love and serve God with their lives. My parents taught and guided me to understand the truth of God’s Word and I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Saviour when I was 4 years old. My parents were missionaries in Indonesia serving together in a tribe called Elseng. In 2006, my father went to be with the Lord, resulting in my mother not being able to continue their ministry there. She is now serving the Lord as a language consultant in Papua, Indonesia. I told my mother that I wanted to continue their ministry, as a missionary. I think that’s a seed that God planted in my heart. Being a missionary is a dream.

How did you end up at Ethnos Canada?

The journey to achieve that  dream is quite long. After graduating from high school, I left home and moved to another island to continue studying and working. God used this time to teach me many things. The hardships and failures prepare my heart to truly believe in God’s call to serve Him in a remote tribe. God provided dear people to support and encourage me, until He finally open the way for me to fly out of Indonesia to Canada; attending Ethnos Canada Training centre to be equipped to be a faithful servant of God. I pray that someday I get to teach the truth of God’s Word to an unreached people group and plant a thriving church, probably in Indonesia.

I give thanks for everything that I have been able to go through with God, and believe that only God can bring me this far. I am excited to continue the journey with the Lord to grow and be His loyal and fruitful disciple. I eagerly await the time when God will take me to the place of ministry He had set ahead for me.