Meet the Students – Kaitlyn

Kaitlyn’s Testimony

Kaitlyn grew up on the Albertan prairies. She was raised in a Christian home and taught the Bible from a young age. Although she doesn’t know exactly when she first trusted in Christ, her understanding of the gospel and what Christ did for her grew over time. In her teen years, her family was introduced to Ethnos (New Tribes Mission at the time) through discovering the Firm Foundations Bible study course, which they went through together.

How Kaitlyn came to Ethnos

Ever since she was a child, she had a desire to see people saved. After taking the Firm Foundations course, she had an even greater desire to make sure people clearly understood the gospel. Over the years she met several missionaries who worked with Ethnos, and she appreciated how they aim to present the gospel as clearly as possible, by first immersing themselves in the language and culture of the people group they are reaching, in order to understand their worldview and communicate the Bible well. Since her own understanding of the gospel was deepened through chronological, foundational Bible teaching, Kaitlyn is a strong advocate for Ethnos’ method of teaching.  She desires to reach the least-reached with the gospel and is now getting more equipped for cross-cultural church planting.

Prior to coming to Ethnos Training, she spent two years studying the Bible chronologically at Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Wisconsin. From receiving Bible education to learning from missionaries at Ethnos Training about how to reach the least-reached with the gospel, each step of the way has been helping prepare her for the next step. She is looking forward to what God has to teach her over the next year of training and to see where He will take her after this!