The Privilege of Language Learning

Many people may misunderstand the actual goal in our language acquisition classes here at Ethnos Training.

  • Are we trying to become skilled linguists so we have something to boast about?
  • Are we starting to learn a language now so we’ll arrive on the field with a head-start?
  • Are we learning tricks to make language learning fast and easy?
  • Is language learning even our main goal?

The answer to all these questions is, “No.”

No, we won’t all become skilled linguists. No, we aren’t learning a specific language at this point. Yes, we are learning tools to help with language acquisition, but it will never be fast or easy. And language learning isn’t even our main goal.

However, this does beg the question, “What actually are language acquisition classes in missionary training all about?”  Along with this, I must pose another question: “What is the task God has called you as a missionary to?” Do you understand that task?

Paul understood the missionary task God had given him:
“For I will not venture to speak of anything except what Christ has accomplished through me to bring the Gentiles to obedience—by word and deed.” (Romans 15:18, ESV)

The goal, according to Paul, was not to make himself look good, but to make Christ great. Is that the goal of your life? Many times this has not been my goal, if I am being honest, but the more I seek to know Him and draw close to Him, the more it becomes my heart’s desire to bring Him praise and glory.

One of the things Paul desired for the Philippian church was, “that you [the Philippian believers] may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world.” (Philippians 2:15, ESV) He then went on to stress the importance of “holding fast to the Word of life.” Is this your motivation? Or is your motivation to get fame or approval of men?

Paul understood his role in the task God had given him, and realized that it was God Who graciously gave him this opportunity in being a part of preaching the gospel to the nations. Similarly, we need to keep in mind that He has given us a task to do, but we are simply His mouthpiece—an instrument that He can use as we submit to Him. How about you? Do you see yourself as the main player in the story of the gospel reaching the nations? Or are you willing to recognize that it is really God working through you as you proclaim His good news?

Going back to our final point regarding what language learning is not, it is not our main goal; it is a step towards a greater goal: that people would understand truth. We prepare to learn language well so that we can communicate the gospel and the whole biblical narrative as clearly as possible.

Beyond that, taking the time to learn another language well provides a good foundation for long-term ministry. While I cannot change someone’s heart, learning their language well shows how much I love them. It shows I love them enough to sacrifice my own interests for their interests. After all, is that not the heart of the gospel? In the end, faithfulness to put in the work needed to learn a language well is worth it, not just for the sake of learning a language, but also for the way language learning helps us mature in Him. Language learning is a privilege!