Academic Misconduct
Definition: Academic misconduct is a serious offence which both undermines the value of the education process and reveals a lack of integrity. Academic misconduct includes but are not limited to the following: plagiarism, cheating, classroom misconduct, and tampering with computer programming. Plagiarism is the written or formally spoken use of another person’s writing or ideas without the appropriate acknowledgement (rules of appropriate acknowledgement are given in Cite It Right by Fox, Johns & Keller). Plagiarism also includes the student’s submission of the same academic paper in two different courses without permission. Cheating also includes the enabling of others to cheat. When proven, cheating and plagiarism will receive penalties levied in relation to the seriousness of the infraction and they may include re-doing an assignment, failure of the assignment, failure of the course, suspension from the programme for a term or longer, or expulsion.
Penalties: The penalty shall be determined by the seriousness of the offence and may range from the assignment of additional requirements within a course up to expulsion. Academic offences maybe noted on the student’s Official Transcript and so may affect the willingness of other institutions to accept the student for coursework or employment.